Notice of OWNE closure

Update: Hi all, just to give a heads-up warning, we've made the decision to close OWNE as an active investigation unit after 19 years. This is due to a number of factors, primarily revolving around the current state of the field itself, the sheer amount of cash it would take to keep going as an investigation unit and also the current team members work/life commitments that mean we simply don't have time to produce the content needed to keep folks' interest. Over the next few days the main website articles and content will be archived. Our social media channels will also be archived or unpublished. OWNE will retain an online presence however, with a simple webpage with contact details and links to the Reporting Desk. Should circumstances change and opportunities present themselves down the line, I'd like to think we'll be able to resurrect things and crack open the investigation cases again. I'd like to take this opportunity, on behalf of the team and myself to thank everyone for their support since 2003. Its been an interesting journey!

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